So Very Cool

Most of my other friends who have Macs have tried out the video part of iChat A/V. But for some reason I was having a really hard time getting it working. I finally figured out the problem with my network configuration and mentioned to my friend Halsted that I wanted to give it a try. A moment later my computer was beeping that she wanted to talk to me, even though I said I looked like I'd just woken up and was all scruffy looking.

My reaction to the whole thing? Frickin' Cool. It's amazing how well it works. One of the coolest things was setting it full screen for a while. Even there it was pretty smooth, though I'm sure the camera quality makes a difference there. I wish I'd taken a screen shot while it was running so I could post a pic of it. Now I want my parents to get all set up with this. It's so cool!


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