Being EVIL

From over on Game Girl Advance comes this line:

Playing an evil character in Knights of the Old Republic is a provocative experience. Games make me think! So I'm eager to rejoin the discussion online. [Game Girl Advance]

I have to agree about playing an evil character in KOTOR. At times it was hard for me to be as mean and just plain cruel as I was. I actually wussed out a few times (like on the Wookie planet). Though, I recovered by my squeamishness by the end of the game, where being evil has some very interesting twists in comparison to being good. But overall, I was really impressed with how thought out the evil side of the game was. There really aren't that many games where you can be just a complete bad guy. Here's hoping for a KOTOR II (or at least more games like this for the XBox).


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This page contains a single entry by Gregory published on September 2, 2003 4:40 AM.

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