The Toilet of the Future

TechTV's Fresh Gear had a bit about this toilet over the weekend. It's pretty much the ultimate toilet.

If you need to sit on this throne, a heated seat -- 96.8 degrees, to be exact -- warms your fanny. Of all the Neorest features, this is by far the most luxurious. It's a whole different experience than the shock of a frigid plastic ring freezing your backside in the middle of a cold night. The seat-heat function can be timed to conserve energy.

So fresh, so clean

Kubik also showed me the bidet functions of the Neorest, underscoring Toto USA's dedication to hygiene. [TechTV's Fresh Gear]

Yes, it's got a heated seat and a bidet. And it also has a "heated fan to properly dry all of your parts". Can you say overkill? How much for all this? Only around $5,000.


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