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April 16, 2005

April 14, 1:00am, 2005! huzzah!

greg's new (re)birth day is April 14, 1:00am, 2005! huzzah! that's the official word from his mom... the surgeons who noted this as the time said it when the clamps were removed from the new lung in greg's body. very cool.

today, greg is still on the ventilator. the doctors *were* hoping to remove it today AND are hoping to remove it tomorrow. greg is breathing more and more on his own. he's starting to come out of the sedation. they need to wait until he's a little further 'to the surface' before they remove it so that he doesn't thrash about in disorientation and do any damage. they want to be sure greg comes out in a safe manner.

his mom also commented that they feel very lucky for the fantastic nursing care greg is receiving. they keep it light, they take time to explain and work very well with greg. the nurses are wonderful with him.

send your vibes/prayers/light/energy to greg as he comes back to the real world and also to his family for strengh and patience.

Posted by emily at April 16, 2005 9:33 PM