greg looks GREAT!

i didn't mention my potential visit to greg before i went, just to be safe, and to not jinx it. but i was very lucky tonight and got to visit greg in the ICU!

greg looks GREAT! his face has a rosy, healthy glow and he was talkative and all smiles. i visited for about 25-30 minutes (the sign says stay only 10) while greg had dinner... mac and cheese... the first 'solid' (but actually classified as 'soft') food he's had since going in.

he's connected to only a few visible tubes and lines, but he's got this great high tech console looming behind him that bleeps and blips and sighs at regular enough intervals that greg seemed unphased by the sounds.

he looked so much like himself that it took me a few minutes to realize... he had no oxygen tube in his nose! he grinned when i noticed and said he'd been on "room air" all day. that is so freakin' cool.

he says he has no memory of wednesday through sunday (makes sense) and the first thing he remembers after the surgery is one of the nurses talking to him. he has some memory of the lines going in and the anesthesiologist (who he said was very nice), but nothing else from the operation.

he's hoping to move to the step-down unit tomorrow, but there may not be a bed available for him, so cross your fingers. i'm not sure if he will be allowed visitors in that unit or not, but i'll let you know. he says he's ready for visitors. :-D

he's already been scheming how to get himself back online. the hospital does not have wifi and he may have to resort to dial-up when the time comes. the horror!

i printed out all of your comments for greg to enjoy and saw that he had already received a few cards at the hospital. i also took an anime catalog for him to flip through.

i may be able to go see him tomorrow night, too. yippee!


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