
I just want to take a moment to whine about the weather. I need sun, just a little every day. I love that nice warm feeling. But we've had overcast/rainy weather for days now (with more days of it ahead) and I'm sick of it. Mom and I have been talking about getting a light box this year, since we both felt the benefit of it when we borrowed one from a friend of hers last year.

I also have to drive up to Boston tomorrow, I hate driving in overcast weather. I like to be able to have the windows down, wind whipping around inside the car, and the music playing loud.

On the plus side I might be meeting up with someone from my LJ Friends list for lunch, so that may make the trip more fun than the typical drive up, buy things, drive home. I'm also thinking this may be a good trip to make a stop to do some record shopping, since I haven't in ages.

Maybe it is about time to do a new mix, that tends to put me in a more positive mood usually.


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This page contains a single entry by Gregory published on October 11, 2005 1:50 PM.

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