November 2005 Archives

A Crappy Day to Drive

Just got back from heading up to Boston to pick some stuff up. It was the kind of day I hate driving: Foggy, rainy, not much sun, etc. Grabbed some onigiri for a quick cheap lunch and headed back. I'll be up a few times next week though, hopefully with better weather.

Weekend Report

Overall the weekend was pretty mellow. I ended up going to Boston on friday for a doctor appointment and tried forever to find someone around to hang with afterwards. Sheesh, everyone got lives when I wasn't looking! That and I very much need to update my address book. Too many of the numbers I have for people are wrong.

I ended up visiting with my friends Mike and Michelle. It was great to see them and to be social. It made me realize I have to start having more contact with people. I stayed there way too late and came home and crashed.

Next time I have to go up will probably be saturday. Who is going to be around?

Music Video Goodness

Some music videos for your entertainment (click on the image to view):

Picture 7 Picture 8

Just what I needed on a lazy thursday.

Repetitive Information Injury

Just as I was coming to grips with NADD, I find out that there's another aspect to it: Repetitive Information Injury.

NADD sufferers walk a delicate tight rope between effectively consuming large amounts of information and losing themselves in a endless loop of useless, frustrating information acquisition motions that I'll call Repetitive Information Injury ("RII").

For me RII shows up late in the day. I'm between meetings and having nothing urgent on my to do list. I sit down at the computer and scan my unread email. Once done there, I click on a couple of tab groups in Safari and scan the news. Lastly, I switch to NetNewsWire and scan for changes on my 75+ feeds.

And then... I do it again.

And again.

It sounds silly, but I'm literally stuck in a loop of information acquisition. What I am looking for? Something interesting informational tidbit which grabs my attention and if I don't find it, I'll often loop four or five times before I realize that I'm in this useless, non-productive loop. [Rands in Repose]

Crap, this describes many an afternoon for me. I may need professional help.

Romeo and Juliet

What's the buzz

There are a crazy amount of iPod accessories out there, but this is the most... uh, interesting one yet. For that special someone in your life.

iBuzz—iPod Controlled Vibrator
 Images Ibuzz
Merry Christmas, Mom! Apparently this little device, which hooks up to the iPod and buzzes in time to your music library, is the hottest Christmas gift going. It's great for getting to sore muscles and aching bones and might even be used for a bit of extracurricular self-induced carnival time after hours, but we wouldn't condone that at all. The body is a temple.

Huge buzz for iPod gizmo [The Sun]

[via Gizmodo]

QOTD 11/11/2005

Laurie Anderson
"Paradise is exactly like where you are right now... only much, much better." [via Quotes of the Day]


zefrank request

From the wonderful mind of zefrank, a request for help. A dramatic reading of spam.

I want one of these for my room

This is so cool. And A Charlie Brown Christmas is one of my favorites.

Replica of Charlie Brown's Xmas tree
Cory Doctorow: Urban Outfitters is selling a replica of the "pathetic" Xmas tree Charlie Brown took home in A Charlie Brown Christmas:

 Images Charliebrownxmastree The tree is an exact replica of the tree from the famous cartoon, made of wire branches and plastic needles with a criss cross wooden base. The bendable branches allow you to make it look just how you want, super pathetic or just kind of pathetic. The tree comes with one red Christmas ball ornament.

(Thanks, Cory!)

[via Boing Boing Blog]

Frappr and Me

A few people have started doing this, so just to be trendy I've decided to do it also. Frappr is a site that lets you map where people are. For instance, if you click on the button below, it will take you to the page for this blog (with one whole person on it as of this posting). And then you can add yourself to the map. I've always kind of been curious about the readership of this blog. I know it isn't huge, but there do seem to be a fair number of people who read it. So please, leave a marker for yourself (It only requires a name and a zip code, so no other personal information is required).

Check out our Frappr!

Okay, just one more quiz

Okay, one more quiz for the day and I'll stop. But I liked that I was Very Silly.

Very Silly
Arbitrary Silly Coordinates: (105,5)
Now, score each answer as follows:

A) 256 points
B) π points
C) -(i2) points

Multiply the score of each answer by the square root of its ordinal number.

Now, take all the answers whose ordinal number is even but not evenly divisible by three and add them together to get an X-axis value. Take all the answers whose ordinal number is evenly divisible by three but not by two and add them together to yield a Y-axis value. For all other answers, discard the results; they were red-herrings.

         9.001 |       |                 /|             |
               |       | Write questions/ |             |
               | Visit | to The Oracle /  |             |
           F   |Parents|        /\    /   | Libertarian |
               |       |       /o \--* S  |             |
           u   |       |------/o   \   l  _--_          |
               |-------+      \   o/\  e '    `         |
           r   |   \_          \ o/  \ e( Date )        |
               |     \_ Attend  \/ o  \p "-__-"         |
           l   |       \_ party  \  o /   |             |
               | Watch   \_       \  /----+-------------|
           o   | TV all    \ __    \/                   |
               |  day       ]  ---__|    Play Doom      |
           n   |____________|       +___________________|
               |          \  Drink  |______             |
           g   | rn        \heavily_|      |            |
               | alt.       \     /        | Oaklahoma  |
           s   | binaries.   >---<   Do    |            |
               | pictures.  /     \__ your +------------|
             9 | erotica   /  lint   \ laundry          |
               -3                              6.02*10^23
                          F o r t n i g h t s

Finally, print the above chart out on a piece of paper. Using the X- and Y-axis values you computed earlier, find the corresponding location on the chart and mark it. Then throw it away and try not to think about it. You'll be glad you did.

My test tracked 2 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender:
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You scored higher than 10% on VerySilly-X
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You scored higher than 0% on VerySilly-Y
Link: The Very Silly Test written by ewhac on OkCupid Free Online Dating, home of the 32-Type Dating Test

Test of the Day

I hope this isn't becoming a test blog :). Honestly, I thought the test was a little easy. I was expecting a bit more of a challenge.

Vocabulary Vixen!
Congratulations! You got 16 correct answers!
You sexy thing! You probably own a book or two. You can communicate in complete thoughts and your knuckles don't drag while walking down the street. Now promise me you will use your word power for good not for evil.
My test tracked 1 variable How you compared to other people your age and gender:
free online datingfree online dating
You scored higher than 37% on wordpoints
Link: The BIG WORDS ARE SEXY Test written by MissMariah on OkCupid Free Online Dating, home of the 32-Type Dating Test

How Much?

How much is my blog worth?

My blog is worth $10,726.26.
How much is your blog worth?

Damn, not bad, but I could do better I bet. Find out how much your blog is worth.

[via Don Park (who is worth much more than I)]

Good. Bad. I'm the one with the gun.

Because I was psyched to get this result:

You're Ash, baby.
Gimme some sugar baby.

Which B-Movie Badass Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Skipping Days

For the first three hours I was awake today I thought it was monday. I most probably confused a few people that I was talking to this morning.

Lala Rules

Picture 5

After listening to TWiT the other day I felt compelled to check out Tiki Bar TV, Forbidden cocktails in a swank pad. I can't decide if it is genius or incredibly stupid, but I do know I can't stop watching it. You should definitely give the Tiki Bar a visit.

Another Year

Another year has come and gone. I'm spending a relaxing day watching movies and stuff. Then the parental units are taking me out to dinner someplace. Should be nice and relaxing. Also, working on some goals for this year. Seems like a good year for big things to happen.


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This page is an archive of entries from November 2005 listed from newest to oldest.

October 2005 is the previous archive.

December 2005 is the next archive.

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