Countdown to Who

With one week left until the start of Doctor Who on the Sci-Fi channel, it seemed like a good time to remind folks to check it out. I just found this article in the NYT from earlier this week talking about the series.

The first episode of Mr. Davies's "Doctor Who," teeming with rapid edits, dark humor, and, for the first time, computer-generated special effects, drew over 10 million viewers, or about 44 percent of the potential viewing audience, something that would translate into a Super Bowl-size audience for an American broadcast. [New York Times]

Having already seen the first season, I can't recommend people check it out enough. Close to everyone I've shown it has enjoyed it, many of them loving it. The show is just plain fun. Here's a quick teaser for the show I found online. The first two episodes show next Friday on SciFi. So program your TiVo or VCR and record it while you're out partying and watch it the next morning.


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