I hear a call?

I just noticed someone hit my site from google searching for "interstatial lung disease". No big suprise there because my old lung page discusses it. (Yes, I'm still waiting for a new one). I had started a blog on that page a while back thinking I'd keep track of how my health was going, but there really wasn't a lot to report other then: "Things still the same. Still waiting."

On a whim I went to google and typed in "interstatial lung disease. To my suprise I found that I was the top link. Well heck. Maybe I should start gathering more information and links on this condition. Reporting more things I find on it. This fits into the notion that has been floating around of blogs which are authoratative on certain subjects.

Note, I'm not the top link for Interstitial Lung Disease, the correct spelling. An interesting thing about the web, it promotes poor spelling. I believe when I searched online for what I have I only found it spelled as 'Interstatial'. I guess I didn't look deeply enough. (Though now maybe my work is cut out for me.)


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This page contains a single entry by Gregory published on March 28, 2002 12:59 PM.

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