Attack of the Plaques

toynbee-plaque.jpgA friend pointed me at an article about some strange plaques that have been found on roads around the country. The author certainly did quite a lot of work trying to find out about these things. Of course the geek in me is already making note of this for the next time I need some ideas for a role playing game.

Perhaps the urban equivalent of a crop circle. A mysterious sign appearing in the night. A cryptic message left behind by beings with a seemingly extraterrestrial agenda.

Or perhaps by a paranoid journalist-hating Nazi. In some cities, the basic tiles are sometimes accompanied by an adjacent tile that urges people to "Murder all journalists, I beg you!" And in Philadelphia, next to one of the regular tiles, was a long rant, also made up of individual hand-formed letters imbedded in a tile, that blamed "hellion Jews" (whatever they are) for a long list of personal problems that the tile maker seemed to be experiencing. [Kansas City Star]

There's another page that lists where people have found these plaques. Kind of bizarre and neat. Makes me wonder what I'd do if I wanted to do something like this. Maybe I'd put signs in strange places with the recipe for brownies.


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