One of My New Addictions

My latest online addiction is Button Men Online. I found the link to this over on a friend's LJ and quickly found myself playing in a bunch of games at once. Button Men is a dice game from the cool people over at Cheapass Games. Someone made an online version of it and I've been enjoying it quite a bit. One thing I like is the pace of the games. You make a move in a game, then go off and wait for the other person to make their move. So it isn't really real time. But it is a nice distraction to jump over to when I need a break for a second. And it really takes about a minute or less to make a move. I will say that the game can be a little confusing at first and I don't think the rules are necessarily that easy to understand. One thing that is nice though is you can play a 'for fun' game with a mentor who will answer questions for you. And I just got notified that it's my turn again, off I go.


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This page contains a single entry by Gregory published on September 21, 2003 12:17 PM.

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