March 2006 Archives

Are you a Grup?

New York magazine has an article talking about Grups*. It's the new thirtysomething. Or something like that.

He owns eleven pairs of sneakers, hasn’t worn anything but jeans in a year, and won’t shut up about the latest Death Cab for Cutie CD. But he is no kid. He is among the ascendant breed of grown-up who has redefined adulthood as we once knew it and killed off the generation gap.

*Also known as yupster (yuppie + hipster), yindie (yuppie + indie), and alterna-yuppie. Our preferred term, grup, is taken from an episode of Star Trek (keep reading) in which Captain Kirk et al. land on a planet of children who rule the world, with no adults in sight. The kids call Kirk and the crew "grups," which they eventually figure out is a contraction of "grown-ups." It turns out that all the grown-ups had died from a virus that greatly slows the aging process and kills anybody who grows up.

Thankfully I only seem to partially fall into this classification. I hate being labeled too easily.


Quiz of the Moment:

After you die...
Unstuck in Time

After death, you will become unstuck in time, and re-live various moments of your life. Time will cease to exist. One moment you will be learning to catch butterflies, the next you will be using your walker to go to the bathroom. You will live on forever in this way, constantly reliving the sweetest and not so sweetest of moments.

Take this quiz at

Those Darn Snakes

It's finally here, though the video quality isn't that great. I give you the trailer for Snakes on a Plane.

Doctor Who review in NYT

The New York Times has a short review of the new Doctor Who online. Pretty decent.

The familiar blue police box doesn't seem much revamped, either; it appears to run on pneumatic tubes, and there is no sign of a computer on board. The Doctor, on the other hand, almost quivers with energy. In previous regenerations, depending on the actor playing him, this character has variously been crotchety, spacey, avuncular and even a little glamorous. Christopher Eccleston brings a kind of manic blokishness to the part, giving the Doctor a sardonic grin and a working-class Manchester accent. (When another character says, "If you're an alien, how come you sound like you're from the North?" he replies, "Lots of planets have a North.")

This Doctor is a little forgetful and inept, but nevertheless fairly contemptuous of the human beings he has come to save — except for Rose Tyler, a shop girl to whom he takes a completely understandable shine. Rose, played by Billie Piper, a former pop star who used to occupy roughly the same niche in Britain as Britney Spears does here, is not just cute but also quick and inventive. She's much less frightened of lumbering mannequins or boiling plastic than either her vain, slutty mum or her well-meaning but dopey boyfriend, and she even gets the careless Doctor out of a jam.[New York Times]


An answer to social networks: isolatr

Looking for Martians

 Mars Images Mars Logo

Today brings us the latest offering from Google: Google Mars. Explore the red planet in three different ways: an elevation map shows color-coded peaks and valleys, a visible-imagery map shows what your eyes would actually see, and an infrared-imagery map shows the detail your eyes would miss. It is pretty nifty. Check it out!

Missing Pages

Pretty damn slick. I want to see the rest.

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[via Caffeina]

Countdown to Who

With one week left until the start of Doctor Who on the Sci-Fi channel, it seemed like a good time to remind folks to check it out. I just found this article in the NYT from earlier this week talking about the series.

The first episode of Mr. Davies's "Doctor Who," teeming with rapid edits, dark humor, and, for the first time, computer-generated special effects, drew over 10 million viewers, or about 44 percent of the potential viewing audience, something that would translate into a Super Bowl-size audience for an American broadcast. [New York Times]

Having already seen the first season, I can't recommend people check it out enough. Close to everyone I've shown it has enjoyed it, many of them loving it. The show is just plain fun. Here's a quick teaser for the show I found online. The first two episodes show next Friday on SciFi. So program your TiVo or VCR and record it while you're out partying and watch it the next morning.

My PersonalDNA

Another week another test. This one is my PersonalDNA, a mapping of my personality. Here it is:

Kind of interesting test, but not much different from others like it.


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